90` | Referee's whistle and the match is over. | |
90` | Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 56 %. | |
90` | Team Vrbnica B has displayed an amazing cross. The ball flies in the air. Bernard Marchek tries to head it home, yet the ball bounces off the crossbar. | |
80` | Peter Korhel runs up onto the field. | |
80` | The struggle for the ball with the goalkeeper in the goal area has not turned out well. The substitue bench gets a signal, Bernard Žifčák will be replaced. | |
74` | Vyšná Kamenica B takes a short corner, Bohdan Miga shoots from an acute angle and beats the keeper of Vrbnica B with a well-placed shot into the goalmouth. Levelled score. As if the home players heard the voices from the terraces. | |
67` | The overall team performance is weakened by Jonas. He is short of strength today and finishes the match in the speed of a training session. | |
63` | Kristián Štofka easily weaved through the defence, when Aurel Lukacsko couldn't obviously catch up, yet the pass didn't find a striker in the penalty area. | |
52` | Servác Púchovský has set off on an offensive trip when he seized on the ball after a power shot of team Vrbnica B which Boleslav Kormaník knocked off right in front of him. After a while, he loses the possesion of the ball in the middle of the pitch. | |
45` | Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour for the guest team 62 %. | |
45` | Half-time | |
35` | A vertical pass from the midfield before the penalty box. The right foot of Vincent Korbel secures the ball, promptly shoots and sweeps the ball into the net. | |
30` | Bernard Marchek outruns the defenders Vyšná Kamenica B, crosses the ball to the right, yet it ends out of play. | |
27` | Bernard Žifčák kicks the ball away and immediately he sees the referee granting him the yellow card. | |
24` | Kristián Štofka attacks the defence of Vrbnica B, he sends the taken ball straight into the gloves of keeper Kamil Martinček. | |
22` | A swift action, team Vyšná Kamenica B strive to form defensive lines, Bernard Marchek blasts the ball towards the post, but goalie Boleslav Kormaník makes a spectacular save. | |
9` | Out of the blue Bernard Marchek receives a clean chance, however Boleslav Kormaník takes advantage of his long procrastination and timely dives into the shot. | |
3` | Kristián Štofka tests the attention of the goalie with the shot on the ground from outside the penalty area, yet attentive Kamil Martinček saves the ball. | |
-2` | The guests decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Martinček - Srobar,Žifčák,Lukacsko,Macko - Podracký,Frolo,Korbel,Jonas - Virsík,Marchek. | |
-3` | The hosts decided to play in the formation 5-4-1 with the players' setup: Kormaník - Púchovský,Kantor,Bevilacqua,Bertha,Krebes - Hablák,Cigáň,Miga,German - Štofka. | |
-4` | Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators. | |
-5` | There's an absolute downpour here over the stadium, the turf is soaking wet. | |