90` | The referee ends the match. | |
90` | Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 58 %. | |
80` | Balthasar Vrettos finishes the battle with excessive aggression and sees the yellow card. | |
77` | Theseus Fotopoulos ruthlessly fouls attacking/prenikajúceho opponent and is rewarded by a red card. | |
77` | The Agios therapon player receives a clean chance with a swift one-two pass from Altair Gaitanis. In cold blood, Narcissus Malia converts the chance with a shot into the left-hand corner of the goal. | |
73` | A break through the midfield, Adelphos Mattas looks around and finishes with a shot towards the right post. Visitors Kozma Mousa stands spell-bound on the goal line and cannot take in how the shot has got behind his back. | |
58` | Adelphos Mattas shows a brave dribbling action and rushes towards the penalty box to the edge of the defence, shoots from an acute angle. The keeper of Agios therapon knocks the ball far off the goal. | |
55` | Orion Nikitas doesn't even follow the ball, he attacks the opposing player's unprotected places. The move indeed deserved the yellow card. | |
45` | Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 54 %. | |
45` | Half-time | |
43` | The club of Orounta kick a corner, the ball gets no further than to the defender, Ptolemy Kokes clears it. | |
11` | Players as , Mousa, today will not be able to use their special skills due to the weather. | |
6` | Orounta carries out a swift counterattack. Being outnumbered by 2 to 1, Christopher Jamussa sends a well-timed pass to the right side. Ptolemy Kokes is not fast enough and Gerome Lolos scores a goal under the falling goalie. A really rapid start of the home team. | |
-2` | The guests decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Mousa - Misko,Lagana,Kotas,Kokes - Gaitanis,Vrettos,Spiteri,Malia - Malia,Anastas. | |
-3` | The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Galatas - Fotopoulos,Mitro,Markopoulos,Jamussa - Demas,Comino,Savakis,Nikitas - Lolos,Mattas. | |
-4` | Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators. | |
-5` | There have been several showers already today and we are expecting more rain. | |