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StadiumStadion FC YaGunnersYa Steni

Stadion FC YaGunnersYa Steni

 Current capacity of the stadium
Standing 41 200
Seats 25 800
Tribune 15 500
Seats for sponsors 500

 Fans attended
29. 12. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-KS Cisowa Dietzenbach 54 910
26. 12. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-Ostrovačice 40 594
19. 12. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-Niederkassel 55 295
12. 12. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-Vinkovci 37 964
5. 12. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-Kincraig 42 308
28. 11. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-Košice Iron Ravens 40 520
21. 11. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-FC CHELSEA Koran 40 507
14. 11. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-Líbeznice 51 162
7. 11. 2012 FC YaGunnersYa Steni-Zajudźcowe 51 610