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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 VIII.G1 SlovenskoTvarožná B chl cup 20 3341204:26103
 IV.B2 GermanyFC Bonn chl cup 62 2212461:2678
 IX.G1 SlovenskoFK Black Eagles Tvarožná chl cup 15 3611216:29109
 X.G2 SlovenskoBučany chl cup 11 3143147:2897
 X.G2 SlovenskoBučany chl cup 13 3602210:31108
 V.B3 GermanyFC Bonn chl cup 55 2171062:4370
 III.B GermanyFC Bonn chl cup 65 275668:2786
 VII.G SlovenskoTvarožná B chl cup 23 3413200:35103
 III.B GermanyBučany chl cup 35 2936150:4490
 III.B GermanyBučany chl cup 34 2657139:5183
* current league of the club is played 59. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Germany3. 2. 201815. 2. 20118236
III.B Germany30. 4. 2017. 5. 201815184
III.B Germany8. 3. 201812. 3. 20132343
III.B Germany14. 4. 20116. 4. 201892
III.B Germany5. 4. 20187. 4. 2018452
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Germany16. 7. 20122. 9. 20193830
III.B Germany22. 2. 20112. 3. 20126349
III.B Germany1. 2. 201815. 2. 20117237
III.B Germany26. 5. 2019. 6. 201826327
III.B Germany12. 4. 20119. 4. 2017104

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
III.A Germany597
III.A Germany586
III.A Germany573
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
III.A Germany5811
III.A Germany596
III.A Germany573

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    4 teams Žilina CUP prvý ročník pohára konajúceho sa v metropole Žilina
    4 teams LS MINI CUP - 4. ročník Plno
    4 teams Four cup 2 druhý ročník