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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 I. NetherlandsStart Rosenberg Hillegom  chl cup chl cup 68 3620135:13110
 II.A GermanyStart Rosenberg OOL chl cup 60 3323126:15101
 III.C TurkeyFC Red Bull™Avanos chl cup 24 3710220:18112
 II.A NorwayHodd chl cup 46 304484:2494
 II.A NorwayStart Olesno chl cup 57 3521115:11107
 III.B GermanyStart Rosenberg OOL chl cup 59 3710127:11112
 III.C TurkeyAvanos chl cup 41 2747126:4085
 III.C TurkeyAvanos chl cup 37 2576109:4482
 III.C TurkeyAvanos chl cup 40 2657115:3983
 III.C TurkeyFC Red Bull™Avanos chl cup chl cup 23 3116165:4394
* current league of the club is played 68. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
I. Norway12. 3. 20122. 3. 20134385
I. Norway3. 2. 20185. 2. 201818192
I. Norway31. 3. 2012. 4. 2018232
I. Norway14. 5. 20117. 5. 20121222
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
I. Norway23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
I. Norway12. 3. 20122. 3. 20134385
I. Norway3. 2. 20185. 2. 201818192
I. Norway31. 3. 2012. 4. 2018232
I. Norway14. 5. 20117. 5. 20121222

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
I. Netherlands6718
I. Netherlands689
I. Netherlands662
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
I. Netherlands6718
I. Netherlands6811
I. Netherlands664

Cups for real prizes wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    virtual league Horna Nitra 2.ročnik
    16 teams Veteran cup 30.09.2023
    virtual league OOL34 kOSZULKA MOJA
    16 teams Veteran cup 13.04.2024
    virtual league OOL Nagroda dla Start Rosenberg

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Pohár Osloboditeľov pre zábavu
    16 teams Veteran cup 30.09.2023
    16 teams Veteran cup 13.04.2024
    16 teams OOL 44 o flacha rumu!!
    virtual league OOL Nagroda dla Start Rosenberg
    virtual league OLDWOLF XII/2
    virtual league NSW League 0624 Výměna
    virtual league OOL34 kOSZULKA MOJA
    virtual league 295 Výmena
    virtual league Boruta Cup 1-2
    virtual league Cisowa Tour 56 Jazda na maxa....
    virtual league Horna Nitra 2.ročnik
    virtual league PL CUP na wymiane
    virtual league RTS CUP 8
    virtual league Sinor cup 2.ročník
    virtual league Sivas - Virtual I
    4 teams acanthus cup 2
    4 teams F cup 2013 na vymenu
    4 teams BMW 2022 Zdarec
    4 teams Kremmen Cup 29
    4 teams **KYSUCA** *********************
    4 teams xxx Od eto
    4 teams xxx Od eto
    4 teams Sodastream cup 2 Len tak!!!
    4 teams Unalaska Trophy 0
    4 teams Avanos Cup 1.ročník Pre pozvanych!!!!
    4 teams Sodastream cup len tak