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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 III.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 33 2351099:5674
 III.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 45 296373:1693
 III.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 61 248670:2980
 III.B UkraineSkalat chl cup chl cup 3035164:4393
 II.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 48 2081056:3368
 II.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 12 3107141:5693
 II.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 13 3017170:5091
 II.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 14 2738128:4684
 II.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 2585124:5283
 II.B UkraineSkalat chl cup 18 25211137:7177
* current league of the club is played 68. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Ukraine19. 7. 20121. 7. 20110112
III.B Ukraine1. 2. 201810. 2. 20117215
III.B Ukraine3. 3. 201810. 3. 20130334
III.B Ukraine5. 5. 201812. 5. 20117204
III.B Ukraine5. 4. 20189. 4. 2018463
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Ukraine28. 6. 20122. 9. 20113838
III.B Ukraine5. 4. 201819. 4. 2014107
III.B Ukraine26. 2. 20110. 3. 20128336
III.B Ukraine1. 2. 201810. 2. 20117215
III.B Ukraine19. 5. 20126. 5. 20123264

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II.B Ukraine688
II.B Ukraine677
II.B Ukraine663
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
II.B Ukraine6710
II.B Ukraine684
II.B Ukraine662

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    virtual league le xaus trophy
    virtual league GNZ cup 3 výmena za pozvánku.
    4 teams o pohar cieneho baletu zakladam prvy turnaj,takze bol by som rad keby tiez niekto pozve na oplatku do svojho turnaja :)