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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.A BrazilDuque De Caxias A chl cup 14 3800219:29114
 IV.A BrazilOlaria chl cup 64 239661:2978
 IV.B BrazilOlaria chl cup 25 2558107:4880
 IV.B BrazilOlaria chl cup 67 278362:1989
 IV.A BrazilOlaria chl cup 48 2311460:2880
 II.B BrazilFK Slovenka Olaria chl cup 3332182:30102
 I. BrazilFK Slovenka Olaria chl cup 2837144:5087
 IV.A BrazilOlaria chl cup 63 229767:3575
 IV.B BrazilOlaria chl cup 24 1961381:6463
 I. BrazilFC KRIM BB Olaria nc cup wc cup 3053147:3195
* current league of the club is played 55. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
IV.A Brazil2. 6. 20187. 6. 201829313
IV.A Brazil5. 3. 20188. 3. 201831322
IV.A Brazil12. 5. 20114. 5. 20120212
IV.A Brazil31. 3. 2012. 4. 2018232
IV.A Brazil21. 5. 20124. 5. 20124252
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
IV.A Brazil23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
IV.A Brazil29. 3. 2017. 4. 2018155
IV.A Brazil19. 5. 20128. 5. 20123275
IV.A Brazil19. 4. 20126. 4. 20110134
IV.A Brazil12. 3. 20117. 3. 20134363

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
III.A Brazil546
III.A Brazil554
IV.B Brazil534
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
IV.B Brazil537
III.A Brazil547
III.A Brazil553

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
  17. 10. 20   national cup BR CUP national cup, národný pohár, národní pohár, puchar państwowy, nemzeti kupa
    virtual league Nižný cup
    8 teams Pohoda cup5 pokračovanie "Pohody"
    8 teams bystrica cup turnaj managerov z banskej bystrice
    4 teams Ostrava Cups I. pre kamaratov