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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 IV.D ČeskoFloreshty chl cup 45 287385:3191
 IV.F ČeskoSparta Praha A A chl cup 37 3413201:25103
 V.1F ČeskoSparta Praha A A chl cup 31 3422178:32104
 II.C MoldaviaFloreshty chl cup 18 3422184:26104
 I. MoldaviaFloreshty chl cup 19 3134147:4396
 I. MoldaviaFloreshty chl cup 20 2927133:4689
 III.H MoldaviaFloreshty chl cup 16 2765109:5387
 IV.D ČeskoFloreshty chl cup 43 258592:3883
 V.1F ČeskoSparta A chl cup 29 3143190:4697
 IV.F ČeskoSparta Praha A A chl cup 35 2927140:4689
* current league of the club is played 60. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
IV.D Česko28. 6. 20121. 7. 20111111
IV.D Česko29. 1. 20110. 2. 20116216
IV.D Česko17. 2. 20126. 2. 20124285
IV.D Česko12. 3. 20115. 3. 20134352
IV.D Česko19. 3. 20122. 3. 20137382
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
IV.D Česko28. 6. 20122. 9. 20113838
IV.D Česko29. 1. 2013. 3. 2018163015
III.B Česko30. 4. 20112. 5. 20115206
IV.D Česko12. 3. 20122. 3. 20134385
III.B Česko16. 4. 20119. 4. 2019102

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
X.F4 Česko585
X.F4 Česko595
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
X.F4 Česko587
X.F4 Česko595

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    8 teams spartan cup masters
    4 teams Alsdorf 3 ...
    4 teams Ivannncap2 Hra pro radost