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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.C POLSKAZielona Góra chl cup 15 2936129:4690
 III.C DEBAKEL (Česko)FC Chemlon Humenné chl cup 67 2945100:2491
 III.F POLSKAZielona Góra chl cup 44 237866:3876
 IV. 2E POLSKAZielona Góra chl cup 33 227974:4073
 II.B DEBAKEL (Česko)Freamunde chl cup 57 255873:3880
 II.C POLSKAZielona Góra chl cup 2792132:4290
 III.E POLSKAZielona Góra chl cup 38 2468109:5378
 IV. 2E POLSKAZielona Góra chl cup 32 2251174:4871
 III.F POLSKAZielona Góra chl cup 43 2321378:6671
 III.E POLSKAZielona Góra chl cup 37 2081082:6968
* current league of the club is played 71. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.F POLSKA14. 4. 20128. 4. 2018147
III.F POLSKA2. 6. 201811. 6. 20129335
III.F POLSKA3. 2. 201812. 2. 20118225
III.F POLSKA22. 1. 20129. 1. 20113164
III.F POLSKA10. 5. 20114. 5. 20119213
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II.C POLSKA23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
III.F POLSKA3. 5. 201817. 5. 20116227
III.F POLSKA14. 4. 20128. 4. 2018147
III.F POLSKA2. 6. 201811. 6. 20129335
III.F POLSKA8. 3. 201817. 3. 20132365

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II.B DEBAKEL (Česko)528
II.B Slovensko706
II.B Slovensko691
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
II.B DEBAKEL (Česko)529
II.B Slovensko707
II.B Slovensko696

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    4 teams 1. Majový pohár 2
    4 teams onecap4
    4 teams Potenza cup 8