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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 III.B BelgiumK.R.C. Genk chl cup 25 3800245:13114
 II. BelgiumK.R.C. Genk chl cup 27 3611229:27109
 V.C BelgiumWervik  chl cup 20 3233139:3299
 VI.E BelgiumWervik  chl cup 18 3530195:26108
 VII.A2 BelgiumWervik  chl cup 17 3602184:26108
 III.F ItaliaViareggio chl cup 66 295478:2492
 IV.B BelgiumK.R.C. Genk chl cup 23 3404222:26102
 III.E ItaliaViareggio chl cup 48 2211565:3277
 III.B BelgiumK.R.C. Genk chl cup 24 3224182:2898
 II. BelgiumK.R.C. Genk chl cup 26 3053209:3995
* current league of the club is played 70. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.E Italia27. 1. 2013. 2. 201815184
III.E Italia31. 5. 2014. 6. 201828303
III.E Italia26. 4. 20130. 4. 20113153
III.E Italia8. 2. 201812. 2. 20120223
III.E Italia5. 3. 20188. 3. 201831322
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.E Italia14. 7. 20122. 9. 20183831
III.E Italia25. 1. 20112. 2. 20114229
III.E Italia10. 5. 20124. 5. 20119257
III.E Italia28. 5. 2014. 6. 201827304
III.E Italia16. 6. 20123. 6. 20135384

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II.C Italia697
II.C Italia703
II.C Italia681
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
II.C Italia697
II.C Italia703
II.C Italia681

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    8 teams CECKO Cup 6.ročnik Už v poradi 6.ročnik o pohár manažera cecko18 a mesta Froidchapelle--