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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.B GermanyBayern München chl cup 3521146:22107
 V.C3 GermanyWehen chl cup 65 2351059:2874
 V.C4 GermanyWehen chl cup 53 2210662:2776
 V.C3 GermanyWehen chl cup 67 227965:3873
 V.C3 GermanyWehen chl cup 48 268473:2286
 V.C3 GermanyWehen chl cup 24 257688:4682
 V.C3 GermanyWehen chl cup 56 2081055:4968
 V.C3 GermanyWehen chl cup 64 2331260:3072
 V.C3 GermanyWehen chl cup 23 2459109:5477
 V.C3 GermanyWehen chl cup 63 256765:2381
* current league of the club is played 59. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
V.C3 Germany11. 6. 20114. 6. 20133342
V.C3 Germany19. 2. 20122. 2. 20125262
V.C3 Germany16. 4. 20119. 4. 2019102
V.C3 Germany26. 5. 20128. 5. 20126272
V.C3 Germany10. 5. 20112. 5. 20119202
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
V.C3 Germany23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
V.C3 Germany5. 2. 201815. 2. 20119235
V.C3 Germany14. 4. 20121. 4. 2018114
V.C3 Germany19. 2. 20126. 2. 20125284
V.C3 Germany7. 6. 201814. 6. 20131344

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
V.C3 Germany575
IV.C2 Germany584
V.C3 Germany593
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
V.C3 Germany574
IV.C2 Germany584
V.C3 Germany593

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Jarný Turnaj o Pohár Mesta Roosendaal 3.Ročník
    16 teams Sunderland/Blackburn
    virtual league Thessaloniky Cup dobrá hra sa oplatí kto si chce zahrať, nech píše
    virtual league Topvar cup 3 mozna aj vymena
    virtual league ***EURO LEAGUE*** part 2 League for OLD good teams in Europe.
    virtual league Chemes Cup II
    8 teams JOKERMANIA
    8 teams pre radost z hry len pre nás
    4 teams ISLAND°S CUP 2 ta naj budze sranda
    4 teams Arsenal Cup 2 plno
    4 teams Real's cup 2009 Vánoční pohár Realu Madrid
    4 teams Pre novacikov ............
    4 teams Kiripolc cup II pre začiatočníkov
    4 teams Len tak ................
    4 teams MINI CUP ???
    4 teams TOTTI CUP 10
    4 teams NEDERLANDEN CUP 10
    4 teams ROMA 7
    4 teams Sporting cup 13 --------
    4 teams Sporting cup 16 ------
    4 teams kawy18 cup