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StadiumStadion Caripito

Stadion Caripito

 Current capacity of the stadium
Standing 17 000
Seats 10 600
Tribune 6 400
Seats for sponsors 200

 Fans attended
17. 9. 2014 Caripito-FC Old boys Kyjev 55 193
13. 9. 2014 Caripito-GKS FCB Katowice 1964 33 457
6. 9. 2014 Caripito-Bastogne 24 202
30. 8. 2014 Caripito-Canelones 23 111
23. 8. 2014 Caripito-Radvaň nad Dunajom 22 350
16. 8. 2014 Caripito-Spartak Ljubljana 18 469
9. 8. 2014 Caripito-Bantry 22 239
6. 8. 2014 Caripito-Mérida 15 823
30. 7. 2014 Caripito-GKS Katowice 14 459