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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.A EnglandPreston North End FC chl cup 16 3413140:28103
 III.A EnglandPreston North End FC chl cup 15 3125164:2695
 III.D EnglandPreston chl cup 28 245975:3077
 III.D EnglandPreston chl cup 25 228880:3774
 III.D EnglandPreston chl cup 26 2114377:4977
 III.A EnglandReal Preston C.F. chl cup 14 3134144:3496
 II.B EnglandPreston chl cup 34 3053143:3695
 III.D EnglandPreston chl cup 27 219875:3972
 III.D EnglandPreston chl cup 24 2241276:4270
 III.A EnglandReal Preston C.F. chl cup 12 2846135:3688
* current league of the club is played 69. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.D Turkey19. 7. 20121. 7. 20110112
III.D Turkey24. 2. 2013. 3. 201827304
III.D Turkey3. 2. 20185. 2. 201818192
III.D Turkey11. 6. 20114. 6. 20133342
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.D Turkey19. 7. 20122. 9. 201103829
III.D Turkey24. 2. 2013. 3. 201827304
III.D Turkey15. 2. 20119. 2. 20123253
III.D Turkey17. 5. 20121. 5. 20122243
III.D Turkey17. 3. 20122. 3. 20136383

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
III.D Turkey687
III.D Turkey695
III.D Turkey672
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
III.D Turkey696
III.D Turkey683
III.D Turkey672

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    virtual league Bobby Robson Cup 49.
    virtual league Bobby Robson Cup 56.
    8 teams Exibičný turnaj Real Preston A.F.C. Exibičný turnaj.
    4 teams England Cup 3.Year
    4 teams Bobby Robson Cup 44. Len na výmenu!
    4 teams Čechtický pohár 3ročník
    4 teams villa maly cup prvy rocnik
    4 teams Rayznar cup 10 Tento pohár je priateľský,ale bol by som veľmi vďačný ak by ste ma aj vy pozvali nabudúce :)
    4 teams England Cup 2.Year