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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 I. ScotlandAberdeen  chl cup 24 2684115:5186
 III.A ScotlandAberdeen  chl cup 3512186:24106
 III.B ScotlandAlloa Athletic chl cup 56 3620171:10110
 II.A GreeceAris Solún FC chl cup 57 3431141:13105
 II.B Paraguay Guairena FC chl cup 62 3611188:6109
 III.A ScotlandAberdeen  chl cup 55 1971262:5064
 I. ScotlandAberdeen  chl cup 19 2819108:3285
 I. ScotlandAberdeen  chl cup 20 238796:4177
 I. ScotlandAberdeen  chl cup 23 2459105:5877
 III.A ScotlandAberdeen  chl cup 51 1811957:3865
* current league of the club is played 68. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
I. Scotland8. 2. 201817. 2. 20120245
I. Scotland5. 3. 201810. 3. 20131333
I. Scotland29. 1. 2013. 2. 201816183
I. Scotland16. 6. 20118. 6. 20135362
I. Scotland16. 4. 20119. 4. 2019102
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
I. Scotland23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
I. Scotland8. 2. 201817. 2. 20120245
I. Scotland16. 6. 20123. 6. 20135384
I. Scotland22. 2. 2011. 3. 201826294
I. Scotland29. 1. 2013. 2. 201816183

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II.B Union Of Russia6711
II.B Union Of Russia688
II.B Union Of Russia664
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
II.B Union Of Russia6713
II.B Union Of Russia687
II.B Union Of Russia666

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Bressay Cup Shetlandský pohár pre priateľov, na výmenu a tak...
    virtual league derecky super cup... len pre derecanov..
    virtual league BABYLON 5 hyhyhi
    8 teams Espreso Espreso Kmeťovo
    4 teams Derecký pohár I. ročník turnaja manažérov z Kmetova
    4 teams nooo
    4 teams mini Uhrovec Cup 2022 III výmena