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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.A EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 33 3224153:2298
 III.B EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 26 3602226:18108
 III.A EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 20 3503231:31105
 X.L9 ČeskoVřesová  chl cup 50 265775:3083
 II.B EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 43 3242124:29100
 II.B EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 45 3071102:1697
 II.B EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 46 254985:3179
 II.B EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 44 284692:2388
 II.B EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 35 3134147:3696
 III.B EnglandFC Tottenham SK chl cup 25 3503217:23105
* current league of the club is played 68. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II.B England30. 6. 20121. 7. 20121110
II.B England1. 3. 201817. 3. 20129368
II.B England22. 1. 2015. 2. 201813197
II.B England10. 2. 20124. 2. 20121277
II.B England11. 6. 20123. 6. 20133386
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II.B England30. 6. 20122. 9. 20123837
II.B England10. 2. 20122. 3. 201213818
II.B England21. 5. 2017. 6. 201824318
II.B England22. 1. 2015. 2. 201813197
II.B England11. 6. 20123. 6. 20133386

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II.B Ukraine678
II.B Ukraine685
II.B Ukraine663
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
II.B Ukraine6710
II.B Ukraine683
II.B Ukraine663

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams SUPERPOHÁR 04 FFC medziligová rozohrávka favoritov II. divízií...
    virtual league Turnaj bez názvu :)
    virtual league Lambrusco virtual cup 23 keď vrátiš nenahnevám sa!
    4 teams 4Fun nech je sranda
    4 teams Tottenham cap 12 ????????