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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II. A RomaniaAC Rossoneri Codlea chl cup 14 3611230:21109
 III. A RomaniaCodlea chl cup 11 3800224:30114
 II. A RomaniaPadure Neagra chl cup 25 3701240:14111
 II. C RomaniaCodlea chl cup 28 3611199:30109
 II. C RomaniaCodlea chl cup 49 237864:3076
 II. A RomaniaCodlea chl cup 52 2261056:3672
 II. B RomaniaCodlea chl cup 62 248666:2680
 II. A RomaniaCodlea chl cup 60 264864:2582
 II. A RomaniaCodlea chl cup 56 1814654:3168
 II. A RomaniaCodlea chl cup 57 227953:2973
* current league of the club is played 70. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II. C Romania8. 2. 201819. 2. 20120256
II. C Romania8. 3. 201812. 3. 20132343
II. C Romania24. 5. 20128. 5. 20125273
II. C Romania7. 5. 201810. 5. 20118192
II. C Romania30. 4. 2013. 5. 201815162
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II. C Romania21. 7. 20122. 9. 201113828
II. C Romania1. 2. 20183. 3. 2018173014
II. C Romania26. 4. 20114. 5. 20113219
II. C Romania7. 6. 201816. 6. 20131355
II. C Romania24. 5. 20128. 5. 20125273

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II.A Bulgaria697
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
II.A Bulgaria695
II.A Bulgaria701
I. Bulgaria681

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    8 teams San Verona Cup turnaj pre začiatočníkov - na výmenu
    4 teams € Little Cup I Turnaj pro vítěze veleslavného € Big Cupu I, na další turnaj € Big Cupu se určitě můžete těšit ;)
    4 teams FIFA na vymenu
    4 teams 2.turnaj