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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.B Bulgaria Schwadorf chl cup 51 238754:3177
 II. C RomaniaTurnu Măgurele chl cup 36 2945103:3291
 III.D BulgariaSchwadorf chl cup 49 248657:2680
 IV.B BulgariaSchwadorf chl cup 62 255863:3280
 III.C RomaniaTurnu Măgurele chl cup 19 2171083:5070
 IX.6F ČeskoFC Újezdec chl cup 37 3224202:2798
 II. C RomaniaTurnu Măgurele chl cup 34 237883:4076
 II. C RomaniaTurnu Măgurele chl cup 32 236983:3975
 II.A BulgariaSchwadorf chl cup 53 2151258:3668
 II.B Bulgaria Schwadorf chl cup 50 1951457:4762
* current league of the club is played 55. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.D Bulgaria24. 2. 2011. 3. 201827293
III.D Bulgaria5. 2. 20188. 2. 201819202
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.D Bulgaria9. 7. 201822. 9. 20163833
III.D Bulgaria19. 2. 2015. 3. 201825317
III.D Bulgaria7. 6. 201816. 6. 20131355
III.D Bulgaria5. 2. 201815. 2. 20119235
III.D Bulgaria29. 3. 2015. 4. 2018144

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
IV.B Bulgaria545
IV.B Bulgaria552
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
IV.B Bulgaria556
IV.B Bulgaria534
IV.B Bulgaria544

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    4 teams Przemek Cup 30
    4 teams Sandecja cup
    4 teams Sandecja cup 2
    4 teams Przemek Cup 32
    4 teams Przemek Cup 35
    4 teams Przemek Cup 37