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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 III. B FinlandNivala chl cup 54 227952:3373
 III. B FinlandNivala chl cup 62 239654:2278
 III. C FinlandFK Goral Šarišské Dravce chl cup 3620209:31110
 III. A FinlandNivala wc cup chl cup 20 2161175:5769
 III. A FinlandNivala chl cup 67 2510361:2085
 III. B FinlandNivala chl cup 25 237885:3976
 II. B FinlandNivala wc cup chl cup 3026191:4792
 III. B FinlandNivala chl cup 49 1971245:3964
 III. B FinlandNivala chl cup 53 18101046:2864
 III. B FinlandNivala chl cup 60 1813750:3067
* current league of the club is played 64. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III. B Finland31. 3. 2015. 4. 2018243
III. B Finland22. 2. 20126. 2. 20126283
III. B Finland18. 6. 20121. 6. 20136372
III. B Finland2. 6. 20184. 6. 201829302
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III. B Finland12. 7. 20122. 9. 20173832
III. B Finland19. 4. 20130. 4. 20110156
III. B Finland26. 5. 2014. 6. 201826305
III. B Finland31. 3. 2017. 4. 2018254
III. B Finland16. 6. 20121. 6. 20135373

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II. A Finland636
II. A Finland644
III. A Finland622
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
III. A Finland628
II. A Finland638
II. A Finland643

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Pohodička XVI cup 1 na výměnu, obsazeno
    16 teams ijo cap26 vymena
    16 teams 88 cup5 Su este 10 miesta volne kto chce byt v turnaji moze napisat ale o 10-15 dni musi pozvanku vratit ale minimalne 8 timovi nie za 4 timovi:-)
    virtual league Red Dragon IV. Boje o PPS - pohár poslednáho soudu (turnaj pouze pro zvané)
    4 teams mafukovci Za pozvanku