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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 III.D GreeceMyra  chl cup 18 3422171:33104
 VI.D DenmarkRanders FC chl cup 57 3431135:12105
 V.B DenmarkRanders FC chl cup 58 286489:2790
 III.B GreeceMyra  chl cup 48 1910940:2967
 II.B GreeceMyra  chl cup 31 249580:3381
 III.B GreeceFC Larissa Elite chl cup chl cup 3404211:19102
 III.A DenmarkRanders FC chl cup 60 256774:2781
 I. GreeceMyra  chl cup 11 2837115:5287
 IV.A DenmarkRanders FC chl cup 59 275677:2786
 II.A GreeceLarissa® Football Team wc cup chl cup 3116169:3294
* current league of the club is played 64. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Greece5. 5. 20187. 5. 201817182
III.B Greece5. 4. 20187. 4. 2018452
III.B Greece5. 3. 20188. 3. 201831322
III.B Greece24. 2. 20126. 2. 20127282
III.B Greece15. 2. 20117. 2. 20123242
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Greece23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
III.B Greece14. 5. 20126. 5. 20121266
III.B Greece29. 1. 20110. 2. 20116216
III.B Greece30. 4. 20110. 5. 20115195
III.B Greece5. 4. 201812. 4. 201474

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
III.A Denmark648
III.A Denmark637
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
III.A Denmark6312
III.A Denmark646
II.A Denmark663

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Mělník Cup 1 ročník Turnaj pro manažery kteří hrají v nižších ligových soutěžích. Výměnou pozvu.
    16 teams NK SlAvEn BeLuPoOoOo #8 At vyhraje ten nejlepsi :-P
    virtual league CUP 5 CUP uz obsadeny
    8 teams Segedíň Cup Víťaz získava noc s Tetou Márgit!!
    4 teams the cup of the larissa VIP
    4 teams only the best team can win V.I.P
    4 teams Super Cup bla bla bla
    4 teams Haribo Cup 2009 Je to Cup pro manažéry do 1200 bodů , at' si všichni zahrajeme ...!!! Kdo vyhraje tak ho pozvu k nám do hospody na čepovanou Kofolu a Bohemia Chips :o) :o)