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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.B GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 15 3323175:33101
 III.D GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 14 3602200:25108
 III.D GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 44 276583:2087
 III.D GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 47 2610277:2488
 III.D GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 40 2657112:4283
 II.B GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 48 1971247:3064
 III.B GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 55 2071144:3767
 III.B GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 61 2110757:3373
 III.D GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 2657118:5683
 II.A GreeceAmphicleia  chl cup 66 1615747:3763
* current league of the club is played 64. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.D Greece4. 6. 201823. 6. 20130389
III.D Greece10. 2. 20122. 2. 20121266
III.D Greece7. 5. 201814. 5. 20118214
III.D Greece1. 2. 20185. 2. 201817193
III.D Greece24. 5. 20128. 5. 20125273
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II.B Greece14. 7. 20122. 9. 20183831
III.D Greece14. 4. 20114. 5. 20182114
III.D Greece1. 2. 201822. 2. 201172610
III.D Greece4. 6. 201823. 6. 20130389
III.D Greece29. 3. 2019. 4. 2018166

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II.A Greece628
II.A Greece638
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
II.A Greece6312
II.A Greece626

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    8 teams Friendly Cup ´11 3.
    4 teams Friends 4ever :) nech vyhrá ten najlepší :)
    4 teams O pohár primátorky mesta Brezová pod Bradlom nech vyhrá šťastnejší :)