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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 VI.1A Česko1.SFC Dolní Dunajovice chl cup 3404190:25102
 IV. B NetherlandsCaerphilly chl cup 54 2071155:3867
 VII.1A ČeskoBenešov nad Ploučnicí  chl cup 3611207:26109
 X.A2 ČeskoBenešov nad Ploučnicí  chl cup 30 23510112:7474
 IV. B NetherlandsCaerphilly chl cup 40 3341145:28103
 IV. B NetherlandsCaerphilly chl cup 42 3413146:24103
 IV. B NetherlandsCaerphilly chl cup 44 265776:2783
 IV. B NetherlandsCaerphilly chl cup 46 229763:3275
 V.1A Česko1.SFC Dolní Dunajovice chl cup 10 3314172:33100
 IV. B NetherlandsCaerphilly chl cup 58 1714750:3565
* current league of the club is played 64. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
IV. B Netherlands29. 3. 20112. 4. 201177
IV. B Netherlands16. 4. 20128. 4. 2019146
IV. B Netherlands24. 5. 2012. 6. 201825295
IV. B Netherlands3. 5. 201810. 5. 20116194
IV. B Netherlands9. 6. 201811. 6. 20132332
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Netherlands23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
IV. B Netherlands16. 4. 20110. 5. 20191911
IV. B Netherlands29. 3. 20112. 4. 201177
IV. B Netherlands24. 5. 2012. 6. 201825295
III.B Netherlands24. 2. 2013. 3. 201827304

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
IV. B Netherlands645
IV. B Netherlands624
III.B Netherlands634
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
IV. B Netherlands624
III.B Netherlands633
IV. B Netherlands643