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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 III.B Paraguay Amambay chl cup 20 3242143:40100
 II.A SrbijaOFK Beograd chl cup 32 3512188:22106
 III.F SrbijaFK Partizan chl cup chl cup 36 3800275:13114
 II.B SrbijaFK Partizan chl cup 40 254991:2579
 III.A SrbijaAmambay chl cup 30 2936120:6090
 III.A Paraguay Amambay chl cup 18 2585114:4983
 III.A Paraguay FC Sporting Amambay chl cup 15 3323192:32101
 II.A Paraguay Amambay chl cup 16 3215193:3897
 III.A SrbijaAmambay chl cup 28 23105102:3779
 II.B SrbijaFK Partizan chl cup 37 3503193:32105
* current league of the club is played 63. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.A Srbija7. 4. 201814. 4. 201584
III.A Srbija12. 5. 20117. 5. 20120223
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.A Srbija21. 7. 20122. 9. 201113828
III.A Srbija7. 4. 201819. 4. 2015106
III.A Srbija12. 5. 20121. 5. 20120245
III.A Srbija29. 3. 20131. 3. 201122

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
III.A Srbija614
III.A Srbija622
III.A Srbija632
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
III.A Srbija623
III.A Srbija612
III.A Srbija631

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    virtual league Liga výnimočných pre výnimočných snažím sa približne silovo rovnaké tímy, kto chce pozvanku vráti :D
    virtual league Zeus Len tak z nudy... :)
    4 teams Fast Four II.B najrýchlejšia 4
    4 teams Fast Four II.A Najrýchlejšia 4
    4 teams Srbija II.
    4 teams South Afrika 2010 South Afrika 2010
    4 teams Club Olimpia Cup 6 Paraguaj Cup
    4 teams Lambrusco mini cup na výmenu
    4 teams Turnaj 123
    4 teams 01
    4 teams 21
    4 teams 17
    4 teams Bum Cup Pre Veľkých Aj Malých...
    4 teams Kotol
    4 teams Turnaj pre priateľov :)
    4 teams 20 20:00