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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 IV.A EnglandCaddington chl cup chl cup 16 3701231:27111
 II.A EnglandLiverpool F.C. chl cup 45 3422127:16104
 III.A EnglandCaddington chl cup 53 3251100:24101
 X.H9 SlovenskoLiptovská Osada chl cup 56 284669:2588
 IV.H SlovenskoLiptovská Osada chl cup 66 288276:2392
 IX.H3 SlovenskoLiptovská Osada chl cup 58 3242126:16100
 VIII.H1 SlovenskoLiptovská Osada chl cup 59 3701154:7111
 VII.H SlovenskoLiptovská Osada chl cup 60 3602130:15108
 VI.H SlovenskoLiptovská Osada chl cup 61 3044100:2794
 V.H SlovenskoLiptovská Osada chl cup 62 275687:3386
* current league of the club is played 62. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II.A England5. 7. 201821. 7. 2014118
II.A England29. 3. 20121. 4. 20111111
II.A England19. 5. 2017. 6. 201823319
II.A England8. 2. 201822. 2. 20120267
II.A England10. 3. 20119. 3. 20133375
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II.A England28. 6. 20122. 9. 20113838
II.A England19. 5. 20123. 6. 201233816
II.A England29. 3. 20121. 4. 20111111
II.A England8. 2. 201822. 2. 20120267
II.A England26. 4. 2017. 5. 201813186

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
III.H Slovensko614
III.H Slovensko623
III.H Slovensko601
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
III.H Slovensko618
III.H Slovensko622
III.H Slovensko602

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams NOVACIK-CUP I. pohar novych manazerov
    16 teams szaszKup VI. ....
    virtual league leto 2012
    8 teams Final Cup Postupující ze skupin v pohárech Semifinal Cup A a B si to rozdají o titul ve Final Cup. Hodně štěstí všem.
    4 teams Blois Cup Kell egy kupa a csapatnak!:D
    4 teams Middlesbrough cup "1
    4 teams Mini Kupa