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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.B EnglandBURTON Albion FC chl cup 17 2963139:2993
 III.C EnglandBURTON Albion FC chl cup chl cup 14 3701249:20111
 IV.C EnglandLong Eaton chl cup 13 3800241:20114
 III.C EnglandLong Eaton chl cup 65 245968:3377
 I. EnglandBURTON Albion FC chl cup chl cup 18 2111683:4174
 I. EnglandBURTON Albion FC chl cup 20 2061283:5066
 II.B EnglandBURTON Albion FC chl cup 16 2747140:3685
 IV.C EnglandLong Eaton chl cup 11 2558126:4780
 III.C EnglandLong Eaton chl cup 49 2110762:3273
 III.C EnglandLong Eaton chl cup 53 2021657:4262
* current league of the club is played 69. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.C England31. 5. 2014. 6. 201828303
III.C England19. 2. 20124. 2. 20125273
III.C England29. 1. 2011. 2. 201816172
III.C England30. 4. 2013. 5. 201815162
III.C England15. 3. 20117. 3. 20135362
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.C England21. 7. 20122. 9. 201113828
III.C England10. 3. 20122. 3. 20133386
III.C England5. 2. 201812. 2. 20119224
III.C England19. 2. 20126. 2. 20125284
III.C England31. 5. 2014. 6. 201828303

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
II.B England686
II.B England692
II.B England671
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
II.B England684
II.B England694
II.B England672

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Roosendalsky turnaj 2011 (pre vytrvalých tipérov) Poncho,hudson,alfi ,ario4 ,janud,japank,Bzučo,carolinka ,Hudzi,ono.ono,gucky,Necromancer ,V_D_S,atack,kupo8,messi101110.
    16 teams Turnaj mistrů Ročník 4.
    virtual league Vancouver CUP 2011
    virtual league MaNcHeStEr UnIteD CuP
    virtual league Guinness cup 4.rocnik turnaja na umelom povrchu konajuci sa v Dubline
    virtual league BURTON Cap
    8 teams Ingolstadt cup
    8 teams Millwall cup
    8 teams Galaxy Stars cup 2
    4 teams Monster Cup MC-1
    4 teams PICURI1
    4 teams EnglandCupMini 2011 Pohár pre leadrov IV.Anglických líg, zakladateľom LONG EATON.
    4 teams Money tournament Jen aby byli nějaký ty peníze :)
    4 teams Fundraisng tournament Aby byli prachy :D