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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 III.C ItaliaFC Mongrassano chl cup 23 3620230:20110
 III.C ItaliaMongrassano chl cup 32 3620198:15110
 III.D ItaliaMongrassano chl cup 37 22610103:5772
 III.D ItaliaMongrassano chl cup 59 268479:2386
 III.D ItaliaMongrassano chl cup 61 307192:2397
 IV.C ItaliaFC Mongrassano chl cup chl cup 19 3701232:13111
 V.C1 ItaliaMongrassano chl cup 18 3620209:17110
 III.C ItaliaMongrassano chl cup 42 247792:4179
 III.C ItaliaMongrassano chl cup 44 2111663:3574
 III.C ItaliaMongrassano chl cup 57 285579:2689
* current league of the club is played 60. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.C Italia14. 6. 20123. 6. 20134385
III.C Italia10. 5. 20114. 5. 20119213
III.C Italia4. 6. 20187. 6. 201830312
III.C Italia19. 5. 20121. 5. 20123242
III.C Italia2. 4. 20185. 4. 2018342
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
II.B Italia21. 7. 20122. 9. 201113828
III.C Italia28. 4. 20114. 5. 20114218
II.B Italia3. 3. 201815. 3. 20130356
III.C Italia31. 5. 2019. 6. 201828325
III.C Italia29. 3. 2017. 4. 2018155

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
IV.D Italia593
V.D1 Italia602
IV.D Italia581
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
IV.D Italia597
V.D1 Italia607
IV.D Italia584

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    4 teams pohár 2
    4 teams pohár 15
    4 teams CUP6
    4 teams CUP8
    4 teams pele6661 9
    4 teams pele66661 10
    4 teams pele6661 15
    4 teams Novoročný cup 3