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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 III.D GermanyFc Geseke chl cup chl cup 17 3431218:25105
 IV.C1 GermanyGeseke  chl cup 28 238784:4577
 IV.C2 GermanyGeseke  chl cup 49 315282:2398
 V.C4 GermanyGeseke  chl cup 48 287390:3191
 II.B GermanyFc Geseke chl cup 18 2945157:4591
 III.D GermanyGeseke  chl cup 12 3332169:28102
 III.D GermanyGeseke  chl cup chl cup 16 3035200:2993
 IV.C2 GermanyGeseke  chl cup 33 1910996:7767
 IV.C2 GermanyGeseke  chl cup 34 2141379:6667
 III.D GermanyGeseke  chl cup 13 3215212:3197
* current league of the club is played 59. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
V.C4 Germany5. 2. 201817. 2. 20119246
V.C4 Germany22. 1. 20129. 1. 20113164
V.C4 Germany12. 5. 20117. 5. 20120223
V.C4 Germany14. 6. 20116. 6. 20134352
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
V.C4 Germany23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
V.C4 Germany5. 2. 201817. 2. 20119246
V.C4 Germany22. 1. 20129. 1. 20113164
V.C4 Germany12. 5. 20117. 5. 20120223
V.C4 Germany24. 2. 2011. 3. 201827293

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
IV.C1 Germany587
IV.C1 Germany572
IV.C1 Germany591
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
IV.C1 Germany586
IV.C1 Germany574
IV.C1 Germany592

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams 03 Turnaj 03
    16 teams frystajlo cup
    virtual league liga campeonato partizan. 2011 play-off, 3.
    virtual league Most cup Jen tak...
    virtual league MLV-turnaj
    virtual league EXTRA Liga 1 na vymenu za virtualku
    virtual league coca cola cup jen na vymenu
    virtual league Senior Cup ny vymenu
    virtual league V. Westphalia Cup Fúúúúúl!!!
    virtual league Rimini ROKO pohar
    virtual league Vedúci cup #?:) Vedúci cup #?:)
    virtual league pohar starosty Geseke Mezinarodni memorial
    8 teams euro pohar VRX prvy rocnik euro pohara VRX
    8 teams xxx
    8 teams Sprite Chellenge Cup 2011 Sprite Putovný Pohár 2011
    4 teams Drogba Cup III III. ročník turnaja