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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 IV.C1 GermanySFC Ganz Bitburg 1924  wc cup chl cup 15 3800201:15114
 V.C3 GermanyBitburg  chl cup 54 2251154:3371
 IV.C2 GermanyBitburg  chl cup 58 2261066:3172
 III.C GermanySFC Ganz Bitburg 1924  chl cup chl cup 16 3332203:36102
 III.C GermanyDynamo Berlin FC chl cup 25 3233134:4199
 III.C GermanyBitburg  chl cup 35 3152130:3298
 II.B GermanyDynamo Berlin FC chl cup chl cup 19 2639125:4781
 II.B Germany1.FC Bayern Kiel wc cup chl cup 31 2936161:4490
 IV.C1 GermanyBitburg  chl cup 10 2738130:4384
 IV.C2 GermanyBitburg  chl cup 57 1781359:5259
* current league of the club is played 59. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.C Germany19. 5. 20126. 5. 20123264
III.C Germany1. 2. 20185. 2. 201817193
III.C Germany10. 3. 20115. 3. 20133353
III.C Germany22. 1. 20127. 1. 20113153
III.C Germany28. 4. 2013. 5. 201814163
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.C Germany23. 7. 20122. 9. 201123827
III.C Germany12. 4. 2013. 5. 201871610
III.C Germany1. 3. 201815. 3. 20129357
III.C Germany19. 5. 20126. 5. 20123264
III.C Germany2. 6. 20189. 6. 201829324

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
III.C Germany587
III.C Germany595
III.C Germany573
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
III.C Germany5810
III.C Germany595
III.C Germany574

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Calvi Cup 2.ročník Calvi Cupu
    16 teams torpedo :D
    16 teams 1.FC Fuji Cup 16/144
    virtual league WESTHAM CUP I WITAM WSZYSTKICH- Rydułtowy Polska
    virtual league turnaj 13 LEN NA VYMENU!!!
    virtual league 1000. ILLINTSI Na výmenu