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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 IV.A1 GermanyGudensberg  chl cup 50 275671:3186
 IV.B2 GermanyBV Borussia Dortmund A chl cup 15 3701235:18111
 V.B4 GermanyBV Borussia Dortmund A chl cup 14 3710256:9112
 V.A2 GermanyGudensberg  chl cup 49 303588:2293
 V.A3 GermanyGudensberg  chl cup 63 249580:3781
 V.A2 GermanyGudensberg  chl cup 25 2261098:6072
 III.B GermanyBV Borussia Dortmund A chl cup 16 3512184:26106
 IV.A1 GermanyGudensberg  chl cup 54 2081061:3768
 V.B4 GermanyBV Borussia Dortmund A chl cup 13 3143181:3297
 V.B4 GermanyGudensberg  chl cup 11 3134174:4696
* current league of the club is played 59. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
V.A2 Germany7. 5. 201821. 5. 20118247
V.A2 Germany28. 4. 2013. 5. 201814163
V.A2 Germany16. 6. 20118. 6. 20135362
V.A2 Germany14. 4. 20116. 4. 201892
V.A2 Germany25. 1. 20127. 1. 20114152
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
V.A2 Germany19. 7. 20122. 9. 201103829
V.A2 Germany28. 4. 20121. 5. 201142411
V.A2 Germany16. 6. 20121. 6. 20135373
V.A2 Germany14. 4. 20116. 4. 201892
V.A2 Germany25. 1. 20127. 1. 20114152

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
V.A4 Germany585
V.A4 Germany592
IV.A2 Germany571
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
V.A4 Germany588
IV.A2 Germany575
V.A4 Germany593

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
  31. 7. 201   national cup DE CUP national cup, národný pohár, národní pohár, puchar państwowy, nemzeti kupa
    virtual league Na počest Václavu Havlovi jen na výměnu
    8 teams Billerbeck CUP bei Deutschland futbol teams
    4 teams PF 2011 jen tak pro zábavu