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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.A GermanySV Werder Brémy chl cup 23 3125179:4395
 II.B GermanySV Werder Brémy chl cup 29 3512206:26106
 III.B GermanySV Werder Brémy chl cup chl cup 17 3314172:42100
 III.D GermanyDüsseldorf chl cup 51 3611117:16109
 IV.D2 GermanyWiehl  chl cup 41 3800266:4114
 IV.D2 GermanyNordenham  chl cup 44 3800155:7114
 IV.D2 GermanyDüsseldorf chl cup 50 3701142:9111
 III.D GermanyWiehl  chl cup 42 3512203:16106
 V.D3 GermanyNordenham  chl cup 43 3026112:2792
 V.D4 GermanyWiehl  chl cup 40 3044152:2494
* current league of the club is played 59. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.D Germany28. 6. 20121. 7. 20111111
IV.D2 Germany29. 3. 20123. 6. 20113838
V.D3 Germany10. 2. 20122. 3. 201213818
II.B Germany1. 2. 20188. 2. 201817204
II.B Germany22. 1. 20127. 1. 20113153
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.D Germany28. 6. 20122. 9. 20113838
IV.D2 Germany29. 3. 20123. 6. 20113838
V.D3 Germany10. 2. 20122. 3. 201213818
II.B Germany1. 2. 20188. 2. 201817204
II.B Germany22. 1. 20127. 1. 20113153

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
IV.C1 Germany586
V.C1 Germany596
IV.C1 Germany571
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
V.C1 Germany597
IV.C1 Germany584
IV.C1 Germany573

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Wanzleben cup III. ročník (Na výměnu)
    virtual league Floreshty cup I 1. Ročník : pozvánka za pozvánku, vitez má automaticky pozvánku do ďalšieho rocniku
    virtual league Werder cup Na výměnu
    virtual league Virtual Cup 1
    virtual league BlackDevills Cup II. na vymenu
    4 teams Wiehl pohar 2. rocnik repete
    4 teams Notor CUP
    4 teams W.B. cup 4
    4 teams Wanzleben CUP 2 repete
    4 teams Wiehl pohar 1. rocnik
    4 teams Rayznar cup 6 Tento pohár je priateľský,ale bol by som veľmi vďačný ak by ste ma aj vy pozvali nabudúce :)