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Best ranking in the league
League Team Season W D L Score PTS Team strength Position
 II.C EnglandCheltenham Marmots chl cup 65 3512150:16106
 III.A SpainLugo chl cup 32 3251155:22101
 III.A SpainLugo chl cup 55 315295:2098
 III.B SpainLugo chl cup 49 275663:2486
 III.B SpainLugo chl cup 57 343197:14105
 III.C SpainFC Lugo Stars wc cup chl cup 13 3611232:19109
 III.C SpainLugo chl cup 29 3062174:2596
 III.F EnglandCheltenham Marmots wc cup chl cup 64 3800198:3114
 III.C SpainLugo chl cup 26 2774101:3088
 III.C SpainLugo chl cup 27 3125116:2595
* current league of the club is played 36. season.

Wins in a row
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Spain18. 6. 20121. 6. 20136372
III.B Spain16. 4. 20119. 4. 2019102
Unbeaten streak
League Date fromDate toRound fromRound toRecord
III.B Spain14. 7. 20122. 9. 20183831
III.B Spain29. 1. 20110. 2. 20116216
III.B Spain16. 4. 20126. 4. 2019135
III.B Spain29. 3. 2012. 4. 2018133
III.B Spain18. 6. 20121. 6. 20136372

Wins away
League SeasonRecord
I. Iceland3612
I. England683
Wins home
League SeasonRecord
I. Iceland3613
I. England686

Cup competition wins
  Date / Time   Type Name Description
    16 teams Cantona cup plnné-full
    16 teams Generali Cup Prvý ročník turnaja Generali CUP
    virtual league Baklažány Cup 2
    virtual league 13th Beast Virtual League FULL
    virtual league León CUP 9 virt na výmenu
    4 teams CUP FOR 4 # 24
    4 teams CUP FOR 4 # 25 full
    4 teams CUP FOR 4 # 26
    4 teams Evra Evra
    4 teams Help Cup len pre manažérov do 3000bodov...
    4 teams Free Cup pre zábavu...
    4 teams La - Espania cup
    4 teams Lugo Cup n.5 pre zábavu
    4 teams Lugo Cup n.6 len tak...
    4 teams x2 x2
    4 teams x4 x4
    4 teams x5 x5
    4 teams x7 x7
    4 teams x13 x13
    4 teams x19 x19
    4 teams mergazko cup 3
    4 teams mergazko cup 9
    4 teams mergazko cup 16
    4 teams mergazko cup 17
    4 teams mergazko cup 20
    4 teams randy orton cup 16
    4 teams ŠK Remio B.Bystrica 19 4x4
    4 teams ŠK Remio B.Bystrica 20 4x4
    4 teams CUP FOR 4 # 33