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Manchester UFC
   Match statistics   61.09 %

Overall experience of the team
Overall team confidence
Overall team mood

   Experience of the team with formations


Kit: home

Kit: away

Kit: cups

Team strength
attack 22%
midfield 25%
defense 26%
catching 27%
The Cup winner: UM 8 UM [30 August 2024]The Cup winner: KTM Turnament 74 [20 August 2024]8/2024 [11 August 2024]8/2024 [11 August 2024]The Cup winner: Czech Cup# [05 July 2024]The Cup winner: Amersham 4m 2/2024 [26 June 2024]The Cup winner: Liga Majstrov  [14 June 2024]The Cup winner: MU CUP 35 [14 June 2024]The Cup winner: Chemlon tour [11 June 2024]The Cup winner: Top Boy XIII. [17 May 2024]The Cup winner: UM16UM [07 May 2024]The Cup winner: Chapecó 26 [26 March 2024]The Cup winner: Amersham 4m 1/2024 [09 March 2024]The Cup winner: 1.014.440 [08 March 2024]The Cup winner: Podgorica 9. [01 March 2024]The Cup winner: Podgorica 7. [01 March 2024]The Cup winner: 63. Minarik Ede Championship [19 January 2024]
The Cup winner: 132-cena [05 January 2024]The Cup winner: Turnaj pre TOP manažérov II [02 January 2024]11/2023 [06 November 2023]11/2023 [06 November 2023]The Cup winner: UM HU No1 [24 October 2023]The Cup winner: Pilis Kupa 18 [03 October 2023]The Cup winner: Skagaströnd Cup 163./38. [19 September 2023]The Cup winner: Amersham 4 free CUP 1  [06 September 2023]The Cup winner: Slnecna liga [05 September 2023]The Cup winner: Francia 6 [21 July 2023]The Cup winner: MADRID CUP [14 July 2023]The Cup winner: Red Bull Cup 2023/03 [24 May 2023]The Cup winner: LFC Breyten 1892 wolrd  league  [23 May 2023]The Cup winner: KTM Turnament 64  [21 April 2023]The Cup winner: Club Atlético Palmaflor [14 April 2023]The Cup winner: Európska Liga 2023 [28 March 2023]The Cup winner:  •Czech Cup • [03 March 2023]
The Cup winner: LFC Breyten 1892 super cup [28 February 2023]The Cup winner: Alkmaar CUP ŠTASTNÝ NOVÝ ROK [17 February 2023]The Cup winner: Notor Cup XII. [08 February 2023]The Cup winner: Nový začátek roku [03 February 2023]2/2023 [01 February 2023]1/2023 [31 January 2023]The Cup winner: Vianočná Európska Liga [24 January 2023]The Cup winner: Taunton #26 [20 January 2023]The Cup winner: Red Bull Cup  [20 January 2023]The Cup winner: MU XMAS CUP 2022 [31 December 2022]The Cup winner: Pohár v meste Hammarby  [30 December 2022]The Cup winner: Spartan Phalanx LIV. [01 November 2022]10/2022 [31 October 2022]10/2022 [31 October 2022]The Cup winner: 183 [25 October 2022]The Cup winner: 185-Bosch [25 October 2022]The Cup winner: 184 [25 October 2022]
The Cup winner: 186-Bosch [25 October 2022]The Cup winner: FON 9 [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: FON 8 [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: 2//8/2022-1 [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: Fokumeho turnaj #42 [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: MU CUP 24 [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: SFC  [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: S.F.C. [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: Taunton prvá  [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: Fokumeho turnaj #41 [21 October 2022]The Cup winner: Fylkir random cup  [14 October 2022]The Cup winner: Amersham CUP 2022 -04 [27 September 2022]The Cup winner: LFC Breyten 1892 Myjavská liga [15 July 2022]The Cup winner: CUP LM [15 July 2022]The Cup winner: Újbudai Meteor kupa XVI/ 16 [12 July 2022]The Cup winner: Európska Liga=O cenu [01 July 2022]The Cup winner: Amersham CUP 2022 -03 [01 July 2022]
The Cup winner: Kylešovice Cup [21 June 2022]The Cup winner: Skoda cup 1 [06 May 2022]4/2022 [25 April 2022]4/2022 [25 April 2022]The Cup winner: Trojčarodejnícky turnaj #124 [19 April 2022]The Cup winner: Salát Cup 2022 [19 April 2022]The Cup winner: FF 90 [19 April 2022]The Cup winner: AMERSHAM cup 2022-02 [05 April 2022]The Cup winner: Prázdne pláže na Mallorce VI. [14 January 2022]The Cup winner: Gazprom virtual liga 6 [11 January 2022]The Cup winner: Fokumeho turnaj #39 [07 January 2022]The Cup winner: LFC Breyten 1892 Jurgen Klopp cup [28 December 2021]The Cup winner: Fokumeho turnaj #34 [24 December 2021]The Cup winner: O pohár Ctibora Tovačovského III [24 December 2021]The Cup winner: Amersham  CUP 2021-15 [21 December 2021]The Cup winner: 1.FC Gazprom cup 2 [21 December 2021]The Cup winner: Újbudai Meteor kupa XIII/ 16 [17 December 2021]
The Cup winner: Notor cup X. [27 November 2021]The Cup winner: EMIRATES CUP 4 [16 November 2021]The Cup winner: Beşiktaş  CUP  [09 November 2021]The Cup winner: Semerovo Cup 8 [09 November 2021]The Cup winner: LFC Breyten 1892 national league [02 November 2021]The Cup winner: MU CUP 12 [29 October 2021]The Cup winner: 16 [27 October 2021]The Cup winner: Maca cup -79- [27 October 2021]The Cup winner: Trojčarodejnícky turnaj #103 [27 October 2021]The Cup winner: FAcap15 [27 October 2021]The Cup winner: O pohár Ctibora Tovačovského II. [19 October 2021]The Cup winner: Tanaka cup lX. [15 October 2021]The Cup winner: Lincoln-Parádé!!! [08 October 2021]The Cup winner: Pohár Dezidera Oláha [01 October 2021]The Cup winner: LFC Breyten 1892 league... [28 September 2021]The Cup winner: FON 3  [10 September 2021]The Cup winner: Amerham GB 2021-13 [18 August 2021]
The Cup winner: MU CUP 6 [11 August 2021]The Cup winner: BN Cup [10 August 2021]The Cup winner: Fokumeho turnaj #12 [24 July 2021]The Cup winner: Fokumeho turnaj #10 [17 July 2021]The Cup winner: Amershan VIP CUP 2021 13 [29 June 2021]The Cup winner: OMSK YNWA league február [02 April 2021]The Cup winner: Newcastle Cup 1 [23 March 2021]The Cup winner: Canterbury Regards cup I. [12 March 2021]The Cup winner: Adra Regards cup I: [12 March 2021]The Cup winner: Canterbery Regards cup. II [12 March 2021]The Cup winner: PSG-2021=2 [26 February 2021]The Cup winner: PSG-2021=11 [26 February 2021]The Cup winner: Slávia-Cup=2 [26 February 2021]The Cup winner: Slávia-Cup=3 [26 February 2021]The Cup winner: PSG-2021=12 [26 February 2021]The Cup winner: PSG-2021=7 [26 February 2021]The Cup winner: COVID-19 CUP [26 February 2021]
The Cup winner: 2021 PARIS CUP [23 February 2021]The Cup winner: Vianočný Plzeň Cup [16 February 2021]The Cup winner: Vianočny Cup Paríž [12 February 2021]The Cup winner: Amerham GB 2020-11 [03 February 2021]The Cup winner: MU P.F.2021CUP [29 January 2021]The Cup winner: Ukrajinský cup 15 [15 January 2021]The Cup winner: Trophée de A.J.Auxerre XI. (Trophée de Basile Boli) [18 December 2020]The Cup winner:  Canterbury L&F Honnour cup II. [18 December 2020]The Cup winner: 3.ročník Žilinského pohára 4-pohar [02 December 2020]The Cup winner: TS CUP [13 November 2020]The Cup winner: Tanaka cup VI. [16 October 2020]The Cup winner: PVPmuCUP [09 October 2020]The Cup winner: Rostock cup lV. [22 September 2020]The Cup winner: Midnight Braga [25 July 2020]The Cup winner: Chill cup [17 July 2020]The Cup winner: Canterbury L&F Xmas cup 2019 [12 June 2020]The Cup winner: k.u.k. Gulden Pokal III. [09 June 2020]
The Cup winner: Amershan VIP CUP 2020 12 [05 June 2020]The Cup winner: Rostock cup l [19 May 2020]The Cup winner: Fylkir februar  [07 April 2020]The Cup winner: Juve_CUP_3 [07 April 2020]The Cup winner: Archbischop's Xmas cup 2019 [07 February 2020]The Cup winner: Hattmons Cup3 [14 January 2020]The Cup winner: PALATA league2 [08 January 2020]The Cup winner: Tanaka cup IV. [08 January 2020]The Cup winner: Notor cup VII. [13 November 2019]The Cup winner: Krásna Cup VI. [29 October 2019]The Cup winner: Lula Smart Cup [16 October 2019]The Cup winner: EC CUP [17 May 2019]The Cup winner: Cup [07 October 2016]The Cup winner: AMF Cup 43 [12 August 2016]The Cup winner: Martin cup 25 [29 July 2016]The Cup winner: Registro cup.1 [12 April 2016]The Cup winner: PP CUP 11 [01 April 2016]
The Cup winner: Gil Vicente Cup - 2.ročník [20 March 2016]The Cup winner: Martin cup 21 [20 March 2016]The Cup winner: Carlsberg The Reds V  [06 January 2016]The Cup winner: sixteen club cup 15 [04 January 2016]The Cup winner: alberswil cup3 [27 December 2015]The Cup winner: alberswil cup 7 [19 December 2015]The Cup winner: alberswil cup 6 [17 December 2015]The Cup winner: alberswil cup [15 December 2015]The Cup winner: Inncup 3 [10 December 2015]The Cup winner: KAmenec pod Vtáčnikom Cup 9 [11 November 2015]The Cup winner: turnaj3 [10 November 2015]The Cup winner: Rotello Cup [07 October 2015]The Cup winner: Višegradský pohár  [07 October 2015]The Cup winner: tekovska kuria [03 October 2015]The Cup winner: Šimi Cup [15 September 2015]The Cup winner: Hajduk 1 [13 September 2015]The Cup winner: Vrútocký pohár -25 ročník [11 September 2015]
The Cup winner: Cup1 [02 September 2015]The Cup winner: :)ynwa [02 September 2015]The Cup winner: Gothig Ligue 021 [09 August 2015]The Cup winner: Mikulášska lopta [26 December 2014]The Cup winner: Winter Cup 2013 [08 March 2013]